[BRLTTY] Users of the screen patch.

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Sun Oct 2 12:44:25 EDT 2022

[quoted lines by John Covici on 2022/10/02 at 12:32 -0400]

>We had to invoke screen first, but we could run brltty as a normal

Does that mean that, on Mac OS X, a normal user has access to the devices?

>But I have not tried this in a while, and I am not sure its working on
>the latest operating systems.

Could you please try building the latest development code and then running the brltty-term script? You don't need to install it if you run brltty-term from the top-level of the source tree. The brltty-term script takes exactly the same options as brltty itself - in fact, it just passes them through.

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
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