[BRLTTY] Windows, 6.5: connectivity issues with fs driver

Sebastian Humenda shumenda at gmx.de
Mon Oct 10 13:36:42 EDT 2022

Hi all

I'm trying to use BRLTTY for console screen reading on Windows 10. I've
installed BRLTTY with libusb and configured it (as attached).
I use NVDA regularly, but have installed JAWS too. Hence I believe the fs
braille driver should be available.

I have extended the debug-brltty script and changed the invocation line:
"%programFolder%run-brltty" "-l%logLevel%" -L"%programFolder%brltty.log" -f"%programFolder%etc\brltty.conf" %*

Now, running debug-brltty.bat from an administrator CMD results in the
attached log file. It seems that BRLTTY is terminating itself. I have tried
using usb:; usb:bluetooth:; and all com ports from 1-8, but with no effect.
The display is connected via USB, but I also connected it via bluetooth and
tried it without success.
As I am not a regular windows user, I'm not sure how to check e.g. whether a
process like BRLTTY is still running. The processes tab of the task manager
doesn't list brltty.exe and the command prompt from which I invoke BRLTTY
returns after a while after invoking the script.

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