[BRLTTY] brltty 6.5 nvda python

Chevelle cstrobel at crosslink.net
Tue Oct 25 20:29:12 EDT 2022

     Yes, I can wait, I think there was somebody else trying to use the 
Windows build also.  When  you get something, ready let us know and we 
can try it out.


On 10/25/2022 5:58 PM, Dave Mielke wrote:
> [quoted lines by Chevelle on 2022/10/24 at 21:01 -0400]
>> when I run the batch files they look for brltty.conf in //etc/brltty.conf.
> Okay, that's a different problem. It's because the configuration directory, i.e. /etc/, isn't adjusted to be part of a relocatable build. This seemed reasonable (way back whenever) for a Linux system, but, really, I can see now that it's wrong. I can fix it for the next release. If you need a Windows build before then then are you able to wait a week (or more) for the computer that runs my Windows VM to be fixed?

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