[BRLTTY] Time for 3.6.

Jason White jason at jasonjgw.net
Wed Jul 5 18:09:39 EDT 2023

On 5/7/23 17:12, Dave Mielke wrote:
> Now that the DotPad braille driver has been written, it's time for 3.6 to be released. I'd like to do this by Monday, July 17. Please help by testing the latest code ahead of that date.

I've just updated. I can still reproduce the problem reported recently 
in trying to run BRLTTY with the AT-SPI2 driver under a graphical 
terminal emulator in GNOME. It reports failures to grant various 
capabilities, then exits.

There's also an interesting discussion currently on the Orca list about 
a user's attempt to run BRLTTY with a recent VarioUltra display. I don't 
know whether there's an actual bug though. My question is whether the 
latest model of VarioUltra (now produced by Visiobraille GmbH following 
the demise of Baum) uses the same USB vendor and product ID that BRLTTY 
recognizes. Based on what I've read, the new devices have a USB-C interface.

I expect you'll prioritize the issues and decide which should be 
addressed prior to the release. I'm not trying to influence that 
process. I am merely reporting what I know.

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