[BRLTTY] Brailliant BI 40X

Life in Six Dots hello at lifeinsixdots.com
Thu Jul 13 05:56:42 EDT 2023

Hello All,


I have a new installation of Ubuntu 23.04 with BRLTTY 6.5. I want to connect
my Brailliant BI 40X but I cannot get it working. What am I missing? I tried
to set it up the same way I would a Focus.


If I plug in the Brailliant the output on the display reads "Braille
Display". Even if I uncomment Humanware and USB in /etc/brltty.conf.


I setup the Bluetooth as per official instructions and the Brailliant says
it is connected to [my-username] but it then it proceeds to displays the
same message as it does when connected by USB, "Braille Display".


Bluetooth instructions: https://brltty.app/doc/Bluetooth.html


Is there something I need to do to get the Brailliant BI 40X working with




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