[BRLTTY] I can not run Tieman Braille Voyager with Brltty on Windows 10

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Tue Dec 6 13:29:40 EST 2022

[quoted lines by Dietmar Segbert on 2022/12/05 at 18:20 +0100]

>Both brailledisplays work fine under linux (Debian 11). The cursorrouting-
>keys of the combibraille will not work under linux (brltty 6.5.5)

They should. I'd like to work with you on this. Please either contact me directly or start a new thread for it.

The CombiBraille driver is one of the (few) old drivers that hasn't yet been upgraded to the new (event-driven, table-based) way of doing things. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to do this, and, for all we know, is the reason that it may be having problems.

>I can compile the brlapi 0.81 from brltty 6.2.x. 

What do you mean by "compile"? Do you perhaps mean "install"?

>but i can not build the brlapi 0.82, 0.83 or 08.84 from the versions of brltty 6.3.x, 6.4.x, 6.5.x.

Are you able to extract a detailed error message?

>The same python version, how compiles the brlapi 0.81, shows the error,
>that there is no python 32 version, how is needed.

I assume this means that it can't find it. Can you get it to tell you where it's looking?

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
Phone: +1 613 726 0014 | Canada  K2A 1H7   |

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