[BRLTTY] Focus Blue 5th gen and multiple bluetooth connections

Aura Kelloniemi kaura.dev at sange.fi
Wed Aug 16 01:22:40 EDT 2023

Hello list,

Focus Blue 5th generation should support four simultaneous bluetooth connections, but I have not been able to get that feature to work. I have only tried with BRLTTY as I don't have any other software that would talk to my display.

My issue is that regardless of how many hosts I pair the display with, the host that connects first will be the only one served by my display. All other connecting hosts (BRLTTYs) fail with "Device or resource busy" error when they try to connect. There are no other apparent problems visible in BRLTTY logs that I have found.

If I switch the active connection from my display's internal menu to be anything else than connection #1, I get no output from any paired host.

Does anybody have a solution to this problem. I use multiple bluetooth hosts regularly and this is a real nuisance.

Thsnks for any help!


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