[BRLTTY] Errors in the en-ueb-g2

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Sat Feb 25 10:51:10 EST 2023

[quoted lines by Life in Six Dots on 2023/02/25 at 13:32 -0000]

>I have set the braille table to en-ueb-g2 on my Linux Laptop running Ubuntu
>MATE 22.04 and found so errors with the table. For example, instead of dots
>2-5 for cc in say the word access it is displaying dots 1-4-6 which is the
>contraction for sh. 

I can't reproduce this. With my contraction table set to en-ueb-g2, for the word "access" I get dots 1,25,15,234,234 (which is correct).

Which version of brltty are you running? Perhaps you have an older version where this mght've been a problem.

>There are several other errors I've come across. How could I change those on my own system or get the table amended.

The best way, for now, is to let us know about them. Since these problems (at least the one you've noted above) aren't happening for me, I'm of course somewhat reluctant for you to make such changes until we figure out why they're happening for you but not for me.

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
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