[BRLTTY] compile errors on osx

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Tue Jan 17 16:44:37 EST 2023

[quoted lines by Raoul MEGELAS on 2023/01/17 at 09:44 +0100]

>Bratty compiles quite well with the following:
>   —disable-x  —disable-api and  the most important —prefix=/usr/local

--prefix=/usr/local and --disable-x have now been added to cfg-darwin.

--disable-api hasn't been added to cfg-darwin because, before doing that, I'd like to understand why it's necessary.

Does the switch to zsh impact brltty in any way? If yes, how?

Could you build without --disable-x and let me know if the "xsel.h not found" problem still occurs.

Do you know definitively if OSX does or doesn't support X?

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
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