[BRLTTY] I can not run Tieman Braille Voyager with Brltty on Windows 10

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Thu Dec 8 21:17:22 EST 2022

[quoted lines by Peter Vágner on 2022/12/08 at 23:36 +0100]

Thank you. This has been helpful. A few questions:

>* Start the setup: windows asks for elevated privileges, 

Is this a yes/no prompt? Do you get the elevated privileges or do you continue without them.

>brltty configurator window appears, I
>choose Driver: auto and port: USB, then later opt to install libusb driver.

Can you confirm for me which brltty.conf file (i.e. the full path to it) gets written by the configurator?

>and am trying to run file run-brltty.bat.
>* I receive an error like this
>brltty.exe: cannot open file: //etc/brltty.conf: No such file or directory
>* Okay, perhaps there's a way around it so I then run .\bin\brltty --help and
>also inspect the bat file which I can modify by adding -f "C:\Program Files
>(X86)\brltty\etc\brltty.conf" inside so the brltty can find the config file.

I'm assuming, then, that it's this brltty.cobf, i.e. the one that's part of the install hierarchy, that the configurator is updating. I'd appreciate it if you could confirm this.

>* However while trying to start the service I am always receiving error like
>this no matter how much I am trying.
>Error 1067: 'The process terminated unexpectedly'
>* Then I have opened services applet, navigated to BrlApi service and added
>the following to the arguments entry fields in the service properties window:
>-f "C:\Program Files (X86)\brltty\etc\brltty.conf" -L "C:\Program Files
>So it can find its config file and also it can output what's going on into
>the log.
>The log is brief but hopefully gives enough pointers on what needs changing.

The log I see is:

   iconv open error: UTF-8 -> CP0: Invalid argument

This log is a warning, and not fatal. Could you please add -ldebug so that we can hopefully see where brltty is atually failing?

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
Phone: +1 613 726 0014 | Canada  K2A 1H7   |

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