[BRLTTY] compile errors on osx

Sébastien Hinderer Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org
Tue Jan 17 04:12:57 EST 2023

Hello Raoul,

Raoul MEGELAS (2023/01/17 09:44 +0100):
> Hello Sébastien,
> You are quite right.
> Bratty compiles quite well with the following:
>    —disable-x  —disable-api and  the most important —prefix=/usr/local

Why did you need to disable BrlAPI? What happens if you let it enabled?

Since you use prefix, I am guessing that you are installing brltty, is
that correct?

Did you consider running it from its sources, at least as long as it's
for testing purposes? That way you would not need to provide the
--prefix arguemnt. By the way, bewre, you have used a special character
to mean --, rather than the -- sequence itself.

> Perhaps it would be useful to add   that to cfg-darwin.

To me it would make sense to add the --disable-x bit, maybe also the
--prefix bit although it's a packaging thing, but I am really in doubt
about --disable-api which inm y opinion shoulr rather be understood and

> Another thing useful to know, but sure Dave knows that:
> Until osx12  (osx11?) apple  switched to zsh.

Do you mean as the default shell, or as the only provided shell?

And, according to your observations, at which stages does it matter that
it's zsh rather than bash?

> That said,  brltty starts and find my focus blue, 
> The communication is fine with it, but 
> There is no  communication with the shell: (nothing displayed).

Did you run brltty through the dedicated brltty-term script?

> So my question is this  because I disabled bbrltty api?

I'll let Dave respond on that one and just say that on Linux, yes,
BrlAPI is needed to have several instances of BRLTTY running and
communicating with each other so it's likely that things work the same
way under MacOS.

Best wishes,


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